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Jim Carrey in 'The Number 23', as the stereotypical 'conspiracy nut'. |
What Is Conspiracy?
In criminal law, a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to break the law at some time in the future, and, in some cases, with at least one overt act in furtherance of that agreement. There is no limit on the number participating in the conspiracy and, in most countries, no requirement that any steps have been taken to put the plan into effect (compare attempts which require proximity to the full offence).
For the purposes of concurrence, the 'actus reus' is a continuing one and parties may join the plot later and incur joint liability and conspiracy can be charged where the co-conspirators have been acquitted or cannot be traced. Finally, repentance by one or more parties does not affect liability but may reduce their sentence.
What is Theory?
Originally, the word theory is a technical term from Ancient Greek. It is derived from theoria, θεωρία, meaning "a looking at, viewing, beholding", and refers to contemplation or speculation, as opposed to action. Theory is especially often contrasted to "practice" (Greek praxis, πρᾶξις) an Aristotelian concept which is used in a broad way to refer to any thing done for the sake of any action, in contrast with theory, which is not.
While theories in the arts and philosophy may address ideas and empirical phenomena which are not easily observable, in modern science the term "theory", or "scientific theory" is generally understood to refer to a proposed explanation of empirical phenomena, made in a way consistent with scientific method. Such theories are preferably described in such a way that any scientist in the field is in a position to understand, verify, and challenge (or "falsify") it.
In this modern scientific context the distinction between theory and practice corresponds roughly to the distinction between theoretical science and technology or applied science. A common distinction made in science is between theories and hypotheses, with the former being considered as satisfactorily tested or proven and the latter used to denote conjectures or proposed descriptions or models which have not yet been tested or proven to the same standard..
"Conspiracy Theory"
So, when combined, we arrive at the oft-used modern term known as a "Conspiracy Theory". Based on the general and accurate definitions, this term should then simply mean a proposed explanation or hypotheses relating to the people and/or events involved in the planning of certain criminal activities.
Instead, this phrase, "Conspiracy Theory", and in particular when it is used in singular form to label any individual as a "Conspiracy Theorist", has become among one of the more perjorative and insulting things one can accuse another person of being.
This is largely due to constant and repetitive negative portrayals of "Conspiracy Theorists" in all forms of mass media - films, tv shows, books, magazines, the mainstream corporate "news" syndicates and even official government information sources.
The mere mention of the phrase "Conspiracy Theorist" in recent times, is equivalent to the outright labeling of that person as "crazy", obsessed, mentally-ill and unstable, and generally outside the bounds of what "normal society" would ever consider to be "real", rational or acceptable thought patterns - whether or not their claims have some basis in truth or not.
And, to be quite honest, there are unfortunately quite a few of those who do exist, which doesn't help the cause of reasoned, legitimate seekers of truth and justice on any number of issues that could fairly be called conspiracies; i.e., situations in which crimes are being committed and secrets are being kept by those who are committing the crimes.
Therefore, this very insulting and inaccurate phrase that has come to be so widely used by mass media (and therefore so widely accepted in the general public mind) as the umbrella term for all "conspiracy nuts", serves as a very convenient way to dismiss and discredit anyone who would dare to question the "official story" on any given set of events - generally, the most suspicious ones.
It's quite simple, you see - when anyone makes any allegation or even questions certain things, the mere act of labeling them a "Conspiracy Theorist" instantly unleashes the mental attachments to this phrase of irrational drooling lunatics, obsessing over any and all of the most irrelevant details, and moreso, the suggestion that they are somehow in a deliberate frenzy to find a certain conclusion, whether or not it actually exists - which is quite ironic, being that is precisely what the mainstream mass media does on a daily basis! .
One glaring example of this would be the theory of "Global Warming", which has been completely disproven, yet is still trumpeted from the rooftops of global mass media in desperate fashion, even after a multitude of evidence has been shown to the contrary - and numerous examples of academic, media and government collusion and conspiracy have been exposed in falsifying data to mislead the public about the truth of the matter.
Yet they still continue pushing their false doctrines and bogus "science" (i.e., massive winter blizzards allegedly being caused by all the "warming", etc.), with the ultimate goal being massively increased energy taxes and unified government control over the activities of all businesses and individuals on a global scale.
So, this portrayal of "Conspiracy Theorists" has become the standard, as opposed to any possibility of more logical and rational-minded individuals, who are rightly questioning situations and are quite simply not finding the official stories that are being given to be altogether acceptable, or at all truthful - often, with very good reasons to think so, such as solid evidence to the contrary.
These are your legitimate seekers of truth and justice, who work very hard to find and publish the truth to the masses, regardless of the consequences.
This all-too common method of character-assassination also has the dual effect of "scaring off" other people who may potentially hear what a "Conspiracy Theorist" has to say and find it to be compelling and truthful, and it thus might even inspire some rational, independent thought and research on their own part. A very healthy thing in any free society, wouldn't you say?
But obviously, if this psychological hook of the false negative characterization of the "Conspiracy Theorist" (or "CT" for short) being a fanatical, dangerous lunatic is implanted deeply enough by mass media into the psyche of the random viewer/reader, then the odds are very good that the person will simply think and do exactly as they have been programmed to - they will simply dismiss and laugh away whatever ideas (and even any hard facts) that the "CT" has to offer.
This is a rough example of the "herd mentality", and that of there being "comfort in numbers" - not strength, mind you, but merely comfort (which is most often just a false sense of security) in knowing that "most other people feel just like I do" - or at least that is what you are being led to believe.
This works quite well, for the most part, and is very effective at keeping many people in line, due to the fact that people generally prefer not to leave their "comfort zone" to venture into confrontation (even mentally), when given the choice. Almost always.
In one sense, this is simply proper human behavior - it is being polite and decent - but in another, it is social conditioning and being programmed to not question or resist ANYTHING at any time, at least not resisting in highly aggressive and possibly even violent ways.
People have been conditioned to slowly forget, and younger ones have never learned at all, that there are certain things worth fighting for, sacrificing everything - even our lives, if necessary.
Human freedom and liberty against tyrannical government control is one of those things, but spiritual wisdom and discernment are necessary to recognize what those things really mean and when those times are actually upon us. This is something that each of us must consider for ourselves - and consider with great care.
Confrontation, though necessary, is often difficult and painful. For many, it is understandably so much easier to just move quietly along with the herd...that is, until the herd reaches those proverbial slaughterhouse gates.
And then, well...then, it's already way too late.
Prime Examples
In the coming days and weeks, you will see sections added to this article which are examples from three separate films, illustrating this deliberate false and negative stereotyping of "Conspiracy Theorists", as they are portrayed in high-budget mainstream film productons for mass consumption. There are plenty more, obviously, but I will focus on these three first, as I feel they are good examples to prove this theory of mine.
I would also like to invite all of you who are reading this to please feel free to submit your ideas with further examples of this concept, whether from film, tv, mass media "news", etc.
If I get enough good ideas, I would see it as a great thing to continue adding more chapters to this article, based on the ideas you send me. This way, our power is combined and multiplied.
You can send me your ideas and suggestions at lvb-research@hotmail.com
Stay tuned....
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