Hey folks - just a quick post to touch on some odds ‘n ends.
First off, I was a guest on Raleigh News And Observer critic Craig D. Lindsey's podcast “Uncle Crizzle’s Critical Condition" this last week. Please visit his blog and download it – I believe it’s a good listen.
Secondly, I want to announce Soundtrack September. All during the month of September there will articles, lists, and all kinds of movie soundtrack related whatnot. I’ll be inviting writers from all over the blogosphere to contribute so please feel free to send in your thoughts on favorite scores and soundtrack recordings. Should be a blast.
Third, the trailer for a new comedy due in Febuary 2010 just premiered at Comic-Con 2009 (and hit the web) last week entitled HOT TUB TIME MACHINE.
This absurdly titled movie stars John Cusack, Craig Robinson, Clarke Duke, and Rob Corddry as 4 bachelor partying guys who just happen to discover that...well you know. Watch the actually funny trailer here for what I think is going to be next year's SNAKES ON A PLANE; well title-wise you see.
That’s all for now. I’ve got a lot of fabulous Film Babble Blogging to come so please stay tuned.
More later…